What Does God See When He Looks At You?

This question has been stirring around in my mind for the past week. What does God see when He looks at me? I asked Him to show me what He sees. I have put this into a series of articles for my Becoming Beautiful e-zine – You are welcome to join up – It is free!! – see the join up box on the right hand side.

As a taster here is part of the first article-

What Does God See When He Looks At You?

I have been thinking a lot about our outward appearance this week. My mind started thinking about what God sees when He looks at me. Have you ever thought about that? What catches God’s eye when He looks at you?

Is it your new hairdo? or your ratty old house clothes?

Is it a joyful mother and wife? or a harassed screaming woman?

Is it a generous friend or a selfish lonely person?

Well, I asked God to show me in His word what He sees when He looks at me. I discovered six things that God sees. Let the truth of what God SEES sink into your mind and heart. Believe on it and allow God’s word to renew and restore your life. Because God’s purpose for you is to experience LIFE with a capital L! Abundant Life – which is Life that is OVERFLOWING!

Check out John 10 v 10 in the Amplified –

The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)

Don’t allow the enemy to come and steal your joy and life. Don’t allow the thief to tell you that you are no good or that you don’t have the right body. Any thoughts that steal, kill or destroy your happiness is not from God and should be discounted.

God’s purpose for you is not to just give you life BUT for you to ENJOY your life. Now , not just when you get to heaven but God wants you to ENJOY your life now. It isn’t a little bit of enjoyment, no; He wants you to have an abundance of joy in your life. To be so full up with the good life that it overflows and spills all over everybody else!!

Well, I had better tell you what the 6 things that God showed me – I get so carried away with that verse. Every time I read it lately I get really excited at how much God loves us to want us to have AND enjoy life.

So, what does God see when He looks at YOU?

1. God sees His DAUGHTER

Gal 3 v 26 “For in Christ Jesus you are all sons (daughters) of God through faith”

He doesn’t see a stranger or even a friend BUT a daughter. He is a Father who is looking at His daughter. What‘s the difference? A lot! A father has a vested interest in His children. He wants them to have the best in life, to learn and to be happy. He wants you to GROW – He doesn’t want you to stay as a little child, which is not natural.

You need to take in His food Ps 37 v 3 “Trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) in the Lord and do good so shall you dwell in the land and feed surely on his faithfulness and truly you shall be fed”

You need to exercise your faith (action! and confessing His word) and grow through prayer, reading and hearing His word, praising Him and trusting Him through your daily experiences.

If you want to read more – join the Becoming Beautiful e-zine!

Rachel Larkin

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